What is catuaba powder for?

Catuaba is one of the most famous medicinal plants in Brazil. Known for its high aphrodisiac effects, discovered by the Indians a few years ago, its power and properties go far beyond that, and its use can occur in many different ways. Nowadays, besides the leaf and the bark, the market sells the dye, the ready-to-consume beverage and also the catuaba powder.
The latter, by the way, has stood out in the market as a whole due to the benefits it brings to health. In addition, it is easily found, since it is marketed in pharmacies and in natural products stores.
The catuaba powder can be taken as a tea – the powder should be boiled with water for 3 minutes – and used to relieve stress, tiredness, and fatigue. Despite its benefits, it is not recommended to use catuaba powder for pregnant women or children under 12 years of age.
How does the catuaba powder work?
Also know as Alecrim-do-campo, catuabina, and Catuíba, catuaba is composed of catuabina, phytosterols, antioxidants, flavonoids, lipids, among others, which give the product an energetic, stimulating, tonic, antibacterial, anxiolytic, antioxidant, and vasodilating action. Moreover, it dilates the blood vessels and improves blood circulation.
In other words, this allows the powder to be used in the treatment of various health problems such as depression, weakness, fatigue, memory loss, mental exhaustion, insomnia, as well as sciatic pain and neuralgia.
In recent years, its action in combating some diseases has been well studied. This is the case of Parkinson’s disease, a problem characterized by selective and progressive degeneration of neurons. Data indicate that catuaba may offer some protection against Parkinson’s disease because of its stimulating effect.
Another case is related to people with HIV. This is because there are indications that its antibacterial action allows the human body to absorb fewer microorganisms, thus helping to combat opportunistic viruses that cause infections in these patients.
Did you know?
- The plant is divided into some species, such as Erythroxylum catuaba, Erythroxylum vacciniifolium, Trichilia catigua, Anemoegma arverse, Anemopaegma mirandum, Bignonia miranda, Anemopaegma sessilifoliumi, with trees that vary and can reach 40 meters in height.
- In Amazon, it is common to use catuaba combined with marapuama to make an infusion of medicines.
- Catuaba favors good mood and, consequently, helps in the treatment of anxiety and mild depression.
- The plant helps to prevent and fight cancer, thanks to the large number of antioxidants and other substances present in its bark.
Do you want to learn more about the benefits, facts, and properties of catuaba powder? Please contact Blue Macaw Flora, a company specialized in dry fruit and plant extracts, which has been operating for more than 10 years in the Brazilian market.
Learn more about our products and contact us by phone 55 11 2503-5356 or by email at: contato@bluemacawflora.com.
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