Pure acai or with chia: two ways to taste the fruit

Known worldwide for its energetic power, acai is the ideal fruit for those who exercise regularly, want to keep their cholesterol under control or have the goal of strengthening their hair.
Acai is one of the most present fruits in all product lines developed by Blue Macaw Flora.
The fruit is available in powder and powder extract versions, which are used as an input in the manufacture of different food, such as ice cream, juices concentrates, vitamins, and supplements.
READ MORE: Acai: a fruit in expansion in several industries
In addition, acai also takes part in some of the flavors of Blue Macaw Flora’s fruit bits. They are small pieces of dehydrated apple covered with acai powder.
Many domestic and international industries market the bits under the private label model. The 100%-natural food can be eaten as a snack or mixed with yogurt, granola, salads or in bread and cake doughs.
Pure acai or with chia?
Acai is such a versatile fruit that it allowed Blue Macaw Flora to develop three different bit flavors.
The traditional one, the pure acai, brings bits of crisp dehydrated apple topped with acai powder.
Another option is the acai with chia flavor. These seeds are the toast of the club for those who want to control weight because they absorb water and form a kind of gel in the stomach, increasing the feeling of satiety. Chia is also rich in fiber, has antioxidants that slow aging, and omega 3, which helps in vasodilation.
All Blue Macaw Flora snacks contain no cholesterol, trans fat, gluten and lactose, and have a very low sodium content.
Acai is famous abroad
Fruit bits and acai fruit powder and dry extract versions are not only famous in Brazil. The inputs, for example, have already made it to abroad by helping food companies develop different products.
The fruit bits, in turn, go to other countries in the private label packaging. Native Berries is an example. The established brand inside and outside Brazil has brought Blue Macaw’s ingredient-based snacks to five American states: Alabama, California, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and Ohio.
Other countries that already know the fruit bits are Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Norway, and Switzerland.
Therefore, if you wish to market fruit bits or need a partner to manufacture natural products and foster healthy consumer habits, contact Blue Macaw Flora at 11 2503-5356 or via email: contato@bluemacawflora.com.
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