Passion Fruit: learn about the benefits of the fruit used in cosmetics and food products

by | Aug 21, 2019 | Natural Ingredients | 0 comments

When talking about food to keep you calm, passion fruit is always on the spotlight. But it is wrong to think that this fruit with a unique aroma and sour and sweet flavor only offers this benefit.

Passion fruit is also rich in fiber that helps the intestines work better, has antioxidants that act against premature aging and its high amount of vitamin C enhances the work of the immune system.

It is no wonder Blue Macaw Flora has included passion fruit in its fruit powder product line. The 100% natural input and guardian of the properties and nutrients from the food is coveted by companies that use this ingredient to develop healthier food and cosmetics.


What are the other passion fruit’s benefits?

Passion fruit has a large amount of vitamin A, a substance well known for acting on the health of the eyes and the nervous system.

The fiber in the fruit not only assists the functioning of the intestines but also increases the feeling of satiety and improves the digestive system and lowers cholesterol levels.

READ MORE: Discover the benefits of apple for health

Anemia sufferers also benefit from passion fruit, since the fruit has high amounts of iron. Other minerals in the fruit (calcium, copper, phosphorus, and magnesium) strengthen bones and prevent cardiovascular problems. Potassium is highlighted, which acts directly on blood circulation and the proper functioning of the heart.

Passion fruit as a whole has essential properties. The skin has pectin, a soluble fiber that improves the intestinal tract; The seeds are rich in antioxidants and have deworming action; and the fruit leaves when consumed as a tea have a relaxing effect that induces sleep, reduces anxiety and nervousness, and improves mood.


Passion fruit powder is just one of the products from Blue Macaw Flora

In addition to passion fruit powder, Blue Macaw offers 100% natural fruit powders in the flavors of soursop, pineapple, acai, acerola, banana, camu camu, cupuacu, guava, and mango.

Developed directly for the food, pharmaceutical, herbal and pharmacological industries, Blue Macaw Flora’s products are obtained through the atomization technique, a technological process that removes water from the fruit and maintains its characteristics (color, flavor, and aroma) and nutritional properties (vitamins and fiber content).

Blue Macaw Flora’s product line also includes powder extracts and fruit bits marketed by the company itself and in private label packaging.

To learn more about the products and services from Blue Macaw Flora, please contact us at 11 2503-5356 or via email:


Ararinha Azul - Blue Macaw


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