How pineapple powder can be used in the food industry

Pineapple is a tropical fruit widely consumed in Brazil. Besides the fresh version, it can be used in different ways: one of them is the pineapple powder, very common in the manufacture of various products.
That’s right! Pineapple powder is a widely used ingredient in the beverage and food industries, especially in those with a “healthy” appeal, as it is composed of 100% fruit, without the addition of preservatives or artificial colorings.
Some of the most common examples in which pineapple powder is applied are juices, jellies, jams, cake preparations, teas, ice cream, yogurts, energy drinks, among many other products.
Blue Macaw Flora develops pineapple powder and other flavors of fruit powder to the national and international markets. The following flavors are also present in the portfolio: acai, acerola, banana, camu camu, cupuacu, guava, graviola, mango, and passion fruit.
How pineapple powder is made
Blue Macaw Flora’s pineapple powder undergoes a careful selection process and then is transformed into powder by atomization technology, also called spray drying.
It is a technique that turns liquid solutions into a dry powder in a procedure that takes place in a drying chamber. Heat and mass transfer during drying occurs very rapidly between the air and steam films that are around each drop under the saturation temperature.
What is interesting is that the spray drying maintains the characteristics of the fruit, such as color, aroma, and flavor, also preserves nutritional properties such as vitamins and fiber content.
In addition, the pineapple powder remains natural, without the addition of artificial preservatives, flavorings, or colorings.
The benefits of pineapple
A member of the citrus family, pineapple offers a few health benefits.
Bromelain, for example, is a very important component of pineapple. This enzyme helps control blood clotting, reduce arthritis pain, and digest the proteins we eat, making it easier for the metabolism to occur.
It also acts in the problems of blood clotting, in the gain of muscle mass and has an anti-inflammatory effect – an ideal property for those who practice physical exercises or want to fight against acne and cracks in the feet.
Being rich in water and fiber, pineapple aids in body hydration, controls cholesterol levels, improves the bowel functioning, and enhances the feeling of satiety. It is also a great ally for those who practice sports or want to stay thin, because it has few calories.
READ MORE: Acerola powder: how manufacturers use this ingredient
Potassium is also present in pineapple. This mineral balances the number of electrolytes in the body and prevents fatigue. Another mineral present in the fruit is manganese, which, among other actions, helps in the maintenance of bone tissues and prevents osteoporosis. Pineapple also contains iodine, a mineral that reduces the incidence of cramps.
One should also highlight vitamin C, which stimulates the production of collagen, improves healing, and stimulates the immune system, preventing fevers and colds. Other vitamins present in pineapple are vitamin A (acts on the health of skin, mucous membranes and vision) and Complex B (acts on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids).
If you want to learn more about the use of pineapple powder in the food and beverage industry or want to get to know the other products developed by Blue Macaw Flora, contact us at 55 11 2503-5356 or via e-mail:
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