Cupuaçu: medicinal fruit is used as an input for major food industries

Typical of the Amazon, cupuaçu could not be left out from the ingredients portfolio of Blue Macaw Flora. This oval-shaped fruit is considered medicinal as it offers a number of health benefits.
Here at Blue Macau Flora, cupuaçu makes one of the fruit bit flavors. These are pieces of dehydrated apple covered with a crunchy cupuaçu powder. The entire line of bits is 100% natural, sparing any use of artificial colorings, flavorings, or preservatives.
The cupuaçu bits are exported in the private label model, in the form of snacks, or sold to food industries to make products such as cereal bars, cookies, cakes, and granolas. They have already reached countries such as South Korea, United States, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, among others.
In the Brazilian retail, the cupuaçu bits are sold in the nib format. Consumers can also find the product with the Frootiva brand in our online store.
In addition to the fruit bits, cupuaçu is offered to the market as a fruit powder, also known as dehydrated fruit pulp. It is used as an input for food, beverage, and supplement industries that are looking for 100% natural ingredients to make their products.
What is cupuaçu?
Fruit of the cupuaçu tree, the cupuaçu has an average diameter of 25 centimeters. With a hard bark and white pulp, it weighs on average 2 kilos, measures between 6 and 12 centimeters wide and between 10 and 25 centimeters long.
The growth of cupuaçu is typical of the Amazon region, more precisely in Maranhão, Rondônia, Acre, Amazonas, and Pará, which is its main producer.
The fruit can be used in its entirety. The pulp is the base for numerous sweet recipes, such as ice cream, mousses, puddings, juices, jellies, candies, among others. The seeds are used to make milk, butter and the famous cupulate, a cupuaçu chocolate.
The cupuaçu barks are not thrown away as well, as they can turn into handicraft items with income generation for the local population. There are studies that evaluate the use of the cupuaçu barks as an input for power generation, production of polymers and sustainable packaging.
In the cosmetic industry, cupuaçu is a very active ingredient in shampoos, conditioners, moisturizing masks, and body moisturizing creams. Cupuaçu butter is also highly sought after to be applied to the skin.
Learn about the properties and benefits of cupuaçu
Cupuaçu is rich in vitamins A, C and Complex B, in addition to phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and fibers. Its main function is to strengthen the body and the immune system.
For those who exercise, the fruit is a great ally, because it has micronutrients that increase energy levels and, consequently, the loss of body fat. It is no wonder that the action of cupuaçu may be compared to that of caffeine.
The fibers present in the fruit increase satiety and improve the bowel’s function, and its seeds are used to relieve abdominal pain. Its usage is very old, which comes from the natives and is adopted until now.
Cupuaçu’s vitamin C has many benefits. It helps to eliminate body fat as it assists in the process of turning fat into energy. It also slows the aging process, increases skin firmness and balances levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.
And there is more: cupuaçu has antioxidants capable of fighting cancer cells and the harmful effects of free radicals. It also has fatty acids, which block the effects of bad cholesterol.
Did you realize how many benefits cupuaçu has? If your company is interested in learning more about the natural products developed by Blue Macau Flora which are based on cupuaçu and other typical Brazilin fruits, contact us by phone: 55 11 2503-5356 or by email at:
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