Acai: a fruit in expansion in several industries

Acai is a typical Brazilian fruit. Grown mainly in Pará, and in smaller amounts in the states of Amazonas, Acre, Maranhão, Roraima, Amapá, and Rondônia, it is widely consumed throughout the country due to its nutritional properties.
In addition to being consumed in the form of pulp, mixed with different ingredients such as banana, granola, and powdered milk, acai as an input (acai powder and acai powder extract) is widely used by the food and cosmetics industries.
Learn about the benefits of acai
Rich in carbohydrates, acai significantly increases energy levels, that is why it is so sought after by people who play sports.
Acai also has a large amount of antioxidants that fight against aging. Anthocyanin, a substance that gives the purplish color to the fruit, reduces the action of free radicals, fights bad cholesterol, aids in the process of weight loss and improves memory.
People who have constipation problems can also benefit from consuming acai, since the delicacy is rich in fibers that improve digestion and help the bowel to work better.
It is worth mentioning other benefits of this superfood, such as improved circulation, strengthening of the immune system, and prevention of bone problems.
How does the manufacturing industry use acai?
Acai fruit powder and dried extract are important ingredients used in the development of various products.
In the food industry, acai is an important ingredient for ice creams, yogurts, jellies, juices (pulp, powder, and ready-to-drink), candies, cakes, among others. It is also common to see the fruit extract being used in supplements, vitamins, and shakes.
The cosmetics industry also uses acai on a large scale. The fruit input is present in moisturizing creams, shampoos, conditioners, nail enamels, lip balm, soaps, cleansers, deodorants, perfumes, among others.
Focusing on the food and beverage industries, Blue Macaw Flora provides acai powder and acai bits (crunchy pieces) for manufacturers in Brazil and abroad.
In order for the properties of the fresh fruit – nutritional characteristics, flavor, and aroma – to be maintained, the company makes use of the atomization process, also known as spray drying.
To learn more about the acai extract, acai powder, and other products developed by Blue Macaw Flora, contact us by phone 55 11 2503-5356 or by email:
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