Benefits of GMO Free Products

by | Jul 26, 2017 | Natural Ingredients | 0 comments

With the great demand for food, many of the producers end up using the so-called Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), also known as transgenic. The preference for this type of food is due to the greater resistance to the pests in the plantation, which reduces the expenses in the planting and consequently increases the profits of the industry.

There are, however, a number of troubling issues when we think of popularizing this type of food. The main one is linked to the uncertainties regarding the damage that GMOs bring to health in the long term, since the research is still imprecise.

The health hazards are often associated with the appearance of allergies. We can add these to ecological factors, which are also affected in the production of GMOs, since the use of toxic substances can eliminate insects and microorganisms from the ecosystem, as well as environmental contamination. As a consequence, we can still have the generation of insects resistant to herbicides and insecticides.

Due to doubts about GMOs, some countries have limited the consumption of these products, opting for brands that do not have it in their composition. Countries of the European Union, for example, already prohibit the production and importation of foods like corn and transgenic soya.

Thus, the demand for GMO free products has grown in Brazil and abroad – conventional or non-GMO foods, which guarantee greater health security for consumers and the environment.

Blue Macaw Flora is GMO Free

Over time, the industry has come to understand the importance of offering GMO free products and the healthy food market to the end consumer. Researches such as Nielsen´s one already point out that most consumers prefer and accept to pay more for healthy products. For brands, anticipating and increasing the volume of offers in this field is fundamental even in the resumption of the economy.

Despite trends, market shelves are still dominated by genetically modified products, and it is often difficult to find one with GMO Free features. One of the brands that carry the commitment to offer these products is Blue Macaw Flora.

Proof that the Blue Macaw Flora products are whole food GMO Free, in addition to being free of allergens such as gluten and lactose, is its product export line, in the Private Label model. Just look at international food safety standards, as well as the FDA’s (Food and Drug Administration) certificate – a US agency responsible for food control, food supplements, medicines, cosmetics and other products.

Learn more about Blue Macaw Flora production techniques on here.

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Ararinha Azul - Blue Macaw


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